Source code for dcor._hypothesis

from __future__ import annotations

import warnings
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Callable, Generic, Iterator, TypeVar

import numpy as np
from joblib import Parallel, delayed

from ._utils import ArrayType, RandomLike, _random_state_init, array_namespace

T = TypeVar("T", bound=ArrayType)

[docs]@dataclass class HypothesisTest(Generic[T]): """ Class containing the results of an hypothesis test. """ pvalue: float statistic: T @property def p_value(self) -> float: """Old name for pvalue.""" warnings.warn( "Attribute \"p_value\" deprecated, use \"pvalue\" instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self.pvalue def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Any]: warnings.warn( "HypothesisTest will cease to be iterable.", DeprecationWarning, ) return iter((self.pvalue, self.statistic)) def __len__(self) -> int: warnings.warn( "HypothesisTest will cease to be sized.", DeprecationWarning, ) return 2
def _permuted_statistic( matrix: T, statistic_function: Callable[[T], T], permutation: T, ) -> T: xp = array_namespace(matrix) # We implicitly convert to NumPy for permuting the array if we don't # have a take function. # take is probably going to be included in the final version of the # standard, so not much to worry about. take = getattr(xp, "take", np.take) permuted_rows = take(matrix, permutation, axis=0) permuted_matrix = take(permuted_rows, permutation, axis=1) # Transform back to the original type if NumPy conversion was needed. permuted_matrix = xp.asarray(permuted_matrix) return statistic_function(permuted_matrix) def _permutation_test_with_sym_matrix( matrix: T, *, statistic_function: Callable[[T], T], num_resamples: int, random_state: RandomLike, n_jobs: int | None = None, ) -> HypothesisTest[T]: """ Execute a permutation test in a symmetric matrix. Args: matrix: Matrix that will perform the permutation test. statistic_function: Function that computes the desired statistic from the matrix. num_resamples: Number of permutations resamples to take in the permutation test. random_state: Random state to generate the permutations. n_jobs: Number of jobs executed in parallel by Joblib. Returns: Results of the hypothesis test. """ xp = array_namespace(matrix) matrix = xp.asarray(matrix) random_state = _random_state_init(random_state) statistic = statistic_function(matrix) permutations = ( xp.asarray( random_state.permutation(matrix.shape[0]) ) for _ in range(num_resamples) ) bootstrap_statistics = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)( delayed(_permuted_statistic)( matrix, statistic_function, permutation, ) for permutation in permutations ) bootstrap_statistics = np.array( bootstrap_statistics, dtype=statistic.dtype, ) extreme_results = bootstrap_statistics > statistic pvalue = (np.sum(extreme_results) + 1.0) / (num_resamples + 1) return HypothesisTest( pvalue=pvalue, statistic=statistic, )