Source code for dcor._partial_dcor

"""Functions for computing partial distance covariance and correlation"""
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TypeVar

import numpy as np

from ._dcor_internals import (
from ._utils import ArrayType, _sqrt

Array = TypeVar("Array", bound=ArrayType)

[docs]def partial_distance_covariance( x: ArrayType, y: ArrayType, z: ArrayType, ) -> ArrayType: r""" Partial distance covariance estimator. Compute the estimator for the partial distance covariance of the random vectors corresponding to :math:`x` and :math:`y` with respect to the random variable corresponding to :math:`z`. Warning: Partial distance covariance should be used carefully as it presents some undesirable or counterintuitive properties. In particular, the reader cannot assume that :math:`\mathcal{V}^{*}` characterizes independence, i.e., :math:`\mathcal{V}^{*}(X, Y; Z)=0` does not always implies that :math:`X` and :math:`Y` are conditionally independent given :math:`Z` and vice versa. A more detailed discussion and some counter examples can be found in Sec. 4.2 of :footcite:t:`partial_distance_correlation`. Parameters: x: First random vector. The columns correspond with the individual random variables while the rows are individual instances of the random vector. y: Second random vector. The columns correspond with the individual random variables while the rows are individual instances of the random vector. z: Random vector with respect to which the partial distance covariance is computed. The columns correspond with the individual random variables while the rows are individual instances of the random vector. Returns: Value of the estimator of the partial distance covariance. See Also: partial_distance_correlation Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> import dcor >>> a = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4], ... [5, 6, 7, 8], ... [9, 10, 11, 12], ... [13, 14, 15, 16]]) >>> b = np.array([[1], [0], [0], [1]]) >>> c = np.array([[1, 3, 4], ... [5, 7, 8], ... [9, 11, 15], ... [13, 15, 16]]) >>> dcor.partial_distance_covariance(a, a, c) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.0024298... >>> dcor.partial_distance_covariance(a, b, c) 0.0347030... >>> dcor.partial_distance_covariance(b, b, c) 0.4956241... References: .. footbibliography:: """ a = _u_distance_matrix(x) b = _u_distance_matrix(y) c = _u_distance_matrix(z) proj = u_complementary_projection(c) return u_product(proj(a), proj(b))
[docs]def partial_distance_correlation( x: ArrayType, y: ArrayType, z: ArrayType, ) -> ArrayType: # pylint:disable=too-many-locals r""" Partial distance correlation estimator. Compute the estimator for the partial distance correlation of the random vectors corresponding to :math:`x` and :math:`y` with respect to the random variable corresponding to :math:`z`. Warning: Partial distance correlation should be used carefully as it presents some undesirable or counterintuitive properties. In particular, the reader cannot assume that :math:`\mathcal{R}^{*}` characterizes independence, i.e., :math:`\mathcal{R}^{*}(X, Y; Z)=0` does not always implies that :math:`X` and :math:`Y` are conditionally independent given :math:`Z` and vice versa. A more detailed discussion and some counter examples can be found in Sec. 4.2 of :footcite:t:`partial_distance_correlation`. Parameters: x: First random vector. The columns correspond with the individual random variables while the rows are individual instances of the random vector. y: Second random vector. The columns correspond with the individual random variables while the rows are individual instances of the random vector. z: Random vector with respect to which the partial distance correlation is computed. The columns correspond with the individual random variables while the rows are individual instances of the random vector. Returns: Value of the estimator of the partial distance correlation. See Also: partial_distance_covariance Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> import dcor >>> a = np.array([[1], [1], [2], [2], [3]]) >>> b = np.array([[1], [2], [1], [2], [1]]) >>> c = np.array([[1], [2], [2], [1], [2]]) >>> dcor.partial_distance_correlation(a, a, c) 1.0 >>> dcor.partial_distance_correlation(a, b, c) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS -0.5... >>> dcor.partial_distance_correlation(b, b, c) 1.0 >>> dcor.partial_distance_correlation(a, c, c) 0.0 References: .. footbibliography:: """ a = _u_distance_matrix(x) b = _u_distance_matrix(y) c = _u_distance_matrix(z) aa = u_product(a, a) bb = u_product(b, b) cc = u_product(c, c) ab = u_product(a, b) ac = u_product(a, c) bc = u_product(b, c) denom_sqr = aa * bb r_xy = ab / _sqrt(denom_sqr) if denom_sqr != 0 else denom_sqr r_xy = np.clip(r_xy, -1, 1) denom_sqr = aa * cc r_xz = ac / _sqrt(denom_sqr) if denom_sqr != 0 else denom_sqr r_xz = np.clip(r_xz, -1, 1) denom_sqr = bb * cc r_yz = bc / _sqrt(denom_sqr) if denom_sqr != 0 else denom_sqr r_yz = np.clip(r_yz, -1, 1) denom = _sqrt(1 - r_xz ** 2) * _sqrt(1 - r_yz ** 2) return (r_xy - r_xz * r_yz) / denom if denom != 0 else denom