Source code for dcor._utils

"""Utility functions."""

from __future__ import annotations

import enum
import warnings
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Iterable, TypeVar, Union

import numpy as np
from array_api_compat import (
    array_namespace as array_namespace_compat,
    numpy as numpy_namespace,

# TODO: Change in the future
    ArrayType = np.typing.NDArray[np.number[Any]]
    ArrayType = np.ndarray

T = TypeVar("T", bound=ArrayType)
RandomLike = Union[

[docs]class CompileMode(enum.Enum): """Compilation mode of the algorithm.""" AUTO = """ Try to use the fastest available method. """ NO_COMPILE = """ Use a pure Python implementation. """ COMPILE_CPU = """ Compile for execution in one CPU. """ COMPILE_PARALLEL = """ Compile for execution in multicore CPUs. """
[docs]class RowwiseMode(enum.Enum): """Rowwise mode of the algorithm.""" AUTO = """ Try to use the fastest available method. """ NAIVE = """ Use naive (list comprehension/map) computation. """ OPTIMIZED = """ Use optimized version, or fail if there is none. """
# TODO: Change the return type in the future def array_namespace(*xs: Any) -> Any: # `xs` contains one or more arrays, or possibly Python scalars (accepting # those is a matter of taste, but doesn't seem unreasonable). try: return array_namespace_compat(*xs) except TypeError: warnings.warn( "Passing non-array objects to functions in the 'dcor' " "package is deprecated and will be removed in a future version", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=3, # TODO: Use skip_file_prefixes in Python 3.12? ) return numpy_namespace def _sqrt(x: T) -> T: """ Return square root of an array. This sqrt function for ndarrays tries to use the exponentiation operator if the objects stored do not supply a sqrt method. Args: x: Input array. Returns: Square root of the input array. """ # Replace negative values with 0 xp = array_namespace(x) x_copy = xp.asarray(x + 0) x_copy[x_copy < 0] = 0 try: return xp.sqrt(x_copy) except (AttributeError, TypeError): return x_copy**0.5 def _transform_to_1d(*args: T) -> Iterable[T]: """Convert column matrices to vectors, to always have a 1d shape.""" xp = array_namespace(*args) for array in args: array = xp.asarray(array) dim = len(array.shape) assert dim <= 2 if dim == 2: assert array.shape[1] == 1 array = xp.reshape(array, -1) yield array def _transform_to_2d(*args: T) -> Iterable[T]: """Convert vectors to column matrices, to always have a 2d shape.""" xp = array_namespace(*args) for array in args: array = xp.asarray(array) dim = len(array.shape) assert dim <= 2 if dim < 2: array = xp.expand_dims(array, axis=1) yield array def _can_be_numpy_double(x: ArrayType) -> bool: """ Return if the array can be safely converted to double. That happens when the dtype is a float with the same size of a double or narrower, or when is an integer that can be safely converted to double (if the roundtrip conversion works). """ if array_namespace(x) != np: return False return ( ( np.issubdtype(x.dtype, np.floating) and x.dtype.itemsize <= np.dtype(float).itemsize ) or ( np.issubdtype(x.dtype, np.signedinteger) and np.can_cast(x, float) ) ) def _random_state_init( random_state: RandomLike, ) -> np.random.RandomState | np.random.Generator: """ Initialize a RandomState object. If the object is a RandomState, or cannot be used to initialize one, it will be assumed that is a similar object and returned. """ if isinstance(random_state, (np.random.RandomState, np.random.Generator)): return random_state return np.random.RandomState(random_state)